Valentine Night Race
14 Feb 2025
Rules and General information / Reels en Algemene inligting
- Road race presented by Harmony Striders on 14 February 2025.
- Event starts and finishes at the Welkom Square cnr Long & Toronto road in Welkom.
- Circular flat route, 1 x for 4km Fun run and 1 x for 10km.
- Medical personal and marshals will be on route and at the finish line.
5.Route maps available at the start, distance markers every 1km. - No road closures, as this is taking place in a CBD and residential area, traffic officers will be present.
- Parking, there is sufficient parking at Welkom Square.
- Toilets available, no dressing rooms and showers.
- No tog bag area and no gazebo or club tents.
- No food stalls, different food franchises at the Welkom Square to buy food from. Please support local businesses.
- Lead vechiles at this event supported by Nissan and will be in front of lead runner. Lead vechile lead from the front, 4km fun run, for 10km men and woman separate leading vechiles. Last participant in both distances will be escorted to finish.
- Water tables every 2km, water served in sachets, and drinks in cups. Use of own water bottle allowed, can be refilled at water tables.
- Medals to all finishers that completes their respective distances.
- Sponsors listed for this event will not be interpreted as an entitlement for any participant to insist on free, discounted, or preferential treatment pertaining to the products and services offered by the sponsors.
- Medical Service provider: ER 24 – 084 124
- The race is held under the rules of WA, ASA and AFS.
- Athletes indemnify the national, provincial and regional bodies, sponsors and organizers against any of all actions of whatsoever nature, whatever may arise out of their participation on the race.
- Obey all marshals and rules, failure to do so may lead to instant removal without appeal, the race organizer and safety officer have the final decision in this regard. Checkpoints on route.
- Athletes participate at own risk and acknowledge that they are medically fit and equipped to participate. In case of emergency report to the next water point. An identified area will be demarcated for evacuation at the finish point.
- No vehicles allowed on route, no seconding.
- No prams, blades, animals, cyclist or mechanically operated devices allowed.
- Medals to participants in possession of a fully completed entry
- No littering, please dispose of any litter in bins provided, littering may lead to disqualification.
- No athlete will be allowed to start later than 5 min after group start.
- 10km open event, 14 years and older, 4km open event 9 years and older, children under full supervision of parent or legal guardian.
- 10km event will be officially timed, not the 5km fun run.
- Online and manual entries will be accepted.
- Entries open on 20 December 2025 and will close on 10 February at midnight. Manual entries on race day at event, online entries to be collected on race day, at the race venue from 16:00 until start of the race.
- Copy of proof of payment for online entry and ID to be presented at collection.
- Strictly no refunds, entries are not transferable.
- In the event that the race is cancelled due to reasons outside the organizer’s control the event will not be converted to a virtual event.
- Incomplete/incorrectly completed entries, and entries not fully paid will be rejected or lead to disqualification.
- The event organizer retains the right to refuse entry to persons under the influence of drugs or alcohol, persons who are disorderly, display inappropriate behavior, vandalize property of evade paying for admission.
- Duplication of race numbers or participating without buying an entry will lead to disqualification, removal from the event and held liable for double entry fee, charged and / or disciplinary action.
- Age category and Jnr tags compulsory for 10km only
- ASA licensed athletes to wear club colors, valid 2024/2025 license number on the front and back of vest.
- International athletes are subjected to ASA rules and must have a clearance certificate from their National Federation prior to participation.
- Race number to be displayed on the front of vest, must be visible at all times, may not cover the ASA and sponsor logos on ASA license.
- An athlete may not run with another athletes’ race number.
- Emergency name & number on entry and race number are compulsory.
- Temp license must be completed in full and displayed on the front of the vest. No insurance coverage on temp license on race day.
- Earphones, headsets and similar devices are not allowed and may lead to disqualification. Prescribed hearing aids are allowed.
- All prize winners of the 10km will be requested to show proof of identification (ID book, passport, driver’s license or birth certificate).
- Prize money to be paid at the event.
- Prize money and incentives will only be awarded to athletes with a complete and valid entry and license.
- Winners must be present for prize giving to be at 20:00.
- Prizes for the following:
Men and Ladies open:
1st R250.00
2nd R200.00
3rd R150.00
Category prizes:
Jnr Man R150.00
Jnr Lady R150.00
40+ R150.00
50+ R150.00
60+ R150.00
4km Fun run: Jnr boy and Jnr girl – Lucky draw prize.
Event manager
Deon Lodder – 0829213330
Safety officer
Johan Pretorius – 0825588176
Technical manager
Rina Nel – 0716826615