Mielie Marathon
18 Jan 2025
General Information – Mielie Marathon
- Entry Fee (Pre-Entries Only)
- Marathon (42.2KM)
- Half Marathon (21.1KM)
- 10KM
- 05KM Fun Run
- Cut Off for pre-entries
- Late entries allowed 17/01/2025 from 5PM-8PM
- Late entries allowed 18/01/2025 from 04AM-05:30AM
- At an added cost of +R30 per entrant
- Temp licenses are available at R50 each
- For 42.2km, 21.1km, 10km, 05km FUN RUN
- Start/Finish: HTS High School Sportsground, Welkom
- Toilet Facilities available at grounds.
- No showers or large change rooms available for use.
- Water Points every 3KM & Finish Line
- Medical Service Provider: ER 24 Welkom – 084 124
- Prize Giving 10H00 – only Prize winners
- Medals to all finishers before cut-off times
- Marathon 42.2KM (5hours30mins)
- Half Marathon 21.1km (3Hours)
- 10km (2hours)
- 5km (1hour30mins)
- Race Registration and Race Packs can be collected at HTS High School hostel 17/01/2025 @ 17:00-20:00 OR 18/01/2025 from 04:00AM
- Race Start Times:
- Marathon 42.2KM ~ 05:30AM
- Half Marathon 21.1km ~ 06:00AM
- 10km ~ 06:00AM
- 5km ~ 06:30AM
- Route Map & Photographic info handed out with registration number collection
- Safe Parking Available
- Club Gazebos Welcome/Welkom
- Pre-Entries:
- Web: evententry.co.za
- Facebook: @GoudveldMultiSport
- Email: goudveldmultisport@yahoo.com
- Results made available on Goudveld Multisport Website & Facebook Page
1. This race is held under rules of WA, ASA, and AFS
2. Athletes indemnify the national, provincial, and regional bodies, sponsors, and organisers of the race against any or all actions of whatsoever nature, whatever the same may arise out of their participation in the race.
3. All athletes take part at their own risk. Athletes acknowledge that by entering the event they are medically fit to take part.
4. All athletes must supply the name and contact number of their next of kin on both the race number and entry form.
5. Licensed athletes must wear club colours and the 2024/2025 license number on the back and front of their vest with the race number worn on the front of the vest. Note that the race number may not cover the ASA and sponsor logos at the top of the 2024/2025 license.
6. Temporary Licenses will be available for R50. To be worn in front- (according to ASA ruling.)
7. No insurance coverage on the Temp no.
8. No blades, cyclists or mechanically operated devices allowed in the race
9. Foreign athletes are to follow ASA rules before entering the race – entering with a certified letter from their country of origin before entering and handing to the event organiser with a passport copy.
10. Wheelchair athletes will NOT be allowed to take part
11. No animals/pets are allowed to take part
12. Minimum age participation 10km – 14 years, 21.1km -16 years, 42.2km – 20 years Distance Fun run/walk Children-under
supervision of parent, /guardian’s -9 years and older
13. At the prize giving ceremony winners to be informed by the race organiser. All prize winners need to have an ID/Passport/Driver’s License available in order to sign acceptance of Prize money. Prize money to be paid per hand at 10h00 on the day of the event. No prize money will be paid if random drug testing was done on any distance on the day of the event, up to such time ASA receive the results from the South African Institution for Drug Free Sport (SAIDS).
14. No refunds will be given once an entry is bought. In the event that the race is cancelled due to reasons outside the organisers’ control. (Option. The race can be converted to a virtual run. In such a case, arrangements will be made for medals to be couriered to entrants. Note that this might incur extra fees/costs.
15. Athletes may not run with another athlete’s race number.
16. No earphones, iPods and similar devices are allowed, as they are in contravention of WA rule- WA Rule T6.3.2 and will lead to disqualification.
17. The race organiser keeps the rights to refuse entry and reject persons under the influence of drugs or alcohol, who are disorderly, or engage in inappropriate behaviour, vandalism or evade paying for admission.
18. Athletes who take part without buying a race entry will be disqualified, will not be entitled to any benefits associated with the race and will be liable for a double entry fee charge. Runners who allow their race number to be duplicated will be held liable and will face AFS disciplinary with the possibility of a ban.
19. Habitual offenders (those who regularly take part without buying a race entry) will be called to an AFS disciplinary.
20. AFS Clean Run – Littering is not allowed. Athletes are to dispose of any litter in proper bins and can be disqualified if littering
21. Cut off time for 42.2km – 11h00(5h30), 21.1km – 09h00(3h00), 10km – 08h00(2h00). 5km fun run – 08h30(1h30).
Athletes will not be allowed to finish any distance races after the cut off time.
22. No late starters will be allowed. That is later than 5 minutes from the group start time.
23. Adhere to the health and safety rules and regulations during the time of the event
23. Results – made available in 72hours – Enquires will only be permitted for 5-Days after the release.
Facebook: @GoudveldMultiSport
Event Manager: Pedrie Erasmus (083 478 3886)
Emergency: 083 262 5720
Mail: gouveldmultisport@yahoo.com
Bank Details/Bankbesondeherde:
Bank: Standard Bank
Cheque Acc: 040160869
Branch Code: 055536
Reference: Your Name & Mielie Marathon